Lab 3: Putting Classes Together Lab 4: Inheritance and Interfaces Project 2: ADTs: Arrays, Linked Lists and Trees |
Project2: Sample SolutionThis page contains Java code for performing the experiments asked for in Project 2 and some plots of the output for comparisons. Experimental Results. All data points are the average of 500 operations.
// CS251 Project 2 Solution // Author: Matthew Fricke // Date: Fall 2012 // Email: Please send bug reports to this email address. // Description: A very simple class that acts as a wrapper for the unsorted array to be used in the experiments. public class UnsortedArray { private Student[] contents; private int data_size = 0; UnsortedArray( int size ) { contents = new Student[size]; } // Adds a student to the array in constant time since it is just appended to the end of the array. public void addData( int k, Student data ) { contents[data_size++] = data; } // Search through all the elements in the array to see if any of them match the key we are looking for. // This takes linear time in the size of the array. public Student getData( int k ) { // Dummy student to wrap the key so we can use the comparitor and keep track of the number of comparisons. Student key = new Student(); key.setID(k); for( int i = 0; i < data_size; i++ ) { if ( key.compareTo( contents[i] ) == 0 ) { return contents[i]; } } return null; } // Display the array for debugging purposes. public void displayArray() { for ( int i = 0; i < data_size; i++ ) System.out.print(" "+contents[i]); } } // CS251 Project 2 Solution // Author: Matthew Fricke // Date: Fall 2012 // Email: Please send bug reports to this email address. // Description: A class to hold the sorted array we will be using in the experiments. // Uses binarySearch to find and retrieve a Student in the array. public class SortedArray { private Student[] contents; private int data_size = 0; SortedArray( int size ) { contents = new Student[size]; } // Add a student to the array by iterating over the array until a student is found with an ID greater // than the ID of the student to be added. Move all the data elements from that point to the end of the array // up by one to make room to insert the new Student. Then add the student to the correct position. This // maintains the sorted property of the array. This method takes linear time in the size of the array. public void addData( int k, Student data ) { Student key = new Student(); key.setID(k); int i = 0; while( i < data_size && key.compareTo(contents[i]) > 0 ) { i++; } for( int j = data_size+1; j > i; j-- ) { contents[j] = contents[j-1]; } contents[i] = data; data_size++; } // Display the array for debugging public void displayArray() { for ( int i = 0; i < data_size; i++ ) System.out.print(" "+contents[i].getID() ); System.out.println(); } // Wrapper method that calls binarySearch to retrieve a student matching the key "k" or returns null // if there is no such student. public Student getData( int k ) { // Wrap the key in a dummy student object so we can use the student comparitor Student key = new Student(); key.setID(k); return binarySearch( key, 0, data_size ); } // Binary search return the student in logarithmic time in the size of the array. public Student binarySearch(Student key, int lowerbound, int upperbound ) { // Choose a Student in the middle of the array int position = ( lowerbound + upperbound) / 2; // Check if the ID of the student is greater than, smaller than, or equal to the ID being sought. // If greater or equal then only consider the left side of the array and repeat. // If lesser then only consider the right side of the array and repeat. // If the upperbound is less than the lowerbound, i.e. the subarray we are left with is empty // then return null since no students in the array had the ID we were looking for. Otherwise return the // single element that's left since that is the element we are looking for. while( key.compareTo( contents[position] ) != 0 && lowerbound <= upperbound ) { if (key.compareTo(contents[position]) < 0 ) { upperbound = position - 1; } else { lowerbound = position + 1; } position = (lowerbound + upperbound)/2; } if (lowerbound <= upperbound) { return contents[position]; } else { return null; } } } // CS251 Project 2 Solution // Author: Matthew Fricke // Date: Fall 2012 // Email: Please send bug reports to this email address. // Description: A singly-linked list that maintains the sorted property on the // addData and getData operations. // This list is just for Project 2 so it only requires an addData method // and a getData method. public class SortedLinkedList { private Node head = null; // Display the List for debugging. public void displayList() { Node current = head; while( current != null ) { System.out.print( " " + current.getData().getID() ); current = current.getNext(); } System.out.println(); } // Add a Student to the linked list. // Precondition: The Students in the list are in sorted order with the // Student at the head of the list having the least ID, or the list is empty. // Precondtion: The list is null terminated. // Postcondition: The Student is added to the list. The list is still // in sorted order and is still null terminated. public void addData( int k, Student data ) { // Create a dummy student with the ID set to k so that // we can use the Student.compareTo( Student ) method which // makes it easy to count the number of comparisons. Student key = new Student(); key.setID(k); // Handle the case where this is the first element in the list if ( head == null ) { head = new Node( data ); return; } // If this Student has ID less than the Student at the head of the list // then add the Student to the head of the list. if ( key.compareTo( head.getData() ) < 0 ) { Node temp = head; head = new Node( data ); head.setNext(temp); return; } // Iterate through the list until a Student is found with ID greater // than the new Student's ID. Insert the new Student into the list // just before the Student with the larger ID. Node current = head.getNext(); Node predecessor = head; while ( current != null ) { if ( key.compareTo( current.getData() ) < 0 ) { predecessor.setNext( new Node( data ) ); predecessor.getNext().setNext( current ); return; } predecessor = current; current = current.getNext(); } predecessor.setNext( new Node( data ) ); } // Return the Student that matches the key k. If no Student matches // the key then return null. public Student getData( int k ) { // Create a dummy student so that the Student's comparator method // can be used. The comparator can keep track of how many comparisons // occur for the experiments. Student key = new Student(); key.setID(k); // Start at the head and iterate through the list until either: // 1) A student is found with an ID equal to the search key. Return that // student. // 2) A student is found with an ID greater than the search key. // Since the list is sorted the search key cannot match any students // further down the list. So return. // 3) The end of the list of the list. Then no student in the list // had matched the search key. Node current = head; while( current != null ) { if ( key.compareTo( current.getData() ) == 0 ) { return current.getData(); } else if ( key.compareTo( current.getData() ) < 0 ) { return null; } current = current.getNext(); } return null; } // The list nodes that contain the Students private class Node { private Node next = null; private Student data = null; Node( Student d ) { data = d; } public Student getData() { return data; } public void setData( Student d ) { data = d; } public Node getNext() { return next; } public void setNext( Node node ) { next = node; } } } // CS251 Project 2 Solution // Author: Matthew Fricke // Date: Fall 2012 // Description: A binary tree that maintains the recursive sorted property that // all data elements in the right subtree have keys that are greater than the root's key // and all data elements in the left subtree have keys less than the root's key. // Assume that Student IDs which are used as the keys are unique. class SortedBinaryTree { private Node root = null; // This code taken from Prof Kelley's website so I can see what is going on when I build the tree // Begin Prof Kelley's code public void displayTreeSide() { displayTreeSide( root, "", "", "" ); } private void displayTreeSide( Node n, String leftPre, String rootPre, String rightPre ) { if(n == null) return; String label = String.valueOf(n.getData().getLastName()) + "(" + n.getData().getID() + ")"; String rootSpaces = String.format("%" + label.length() + "s", ""); leftPre += rootSpaces; rightPre += rootSpaces; displayTreeSide( n.left, leftPre + " ", leftPre + " ,-- ", leftPre + " | " ); System.out.println( rootPre + label ); displayTreeSide( n.right, rightPre + " | ", rightPre + " `-- ", rightPre + " "); } // End Prof Kelley's code // Wrapper function to getData that specifies to start at the root of the tree // Return the Student with ID equal to the key or null if no such student is found // Input: An integer key corresponding to the ID of the student to be returned // Output: A student object with ID equal to "key" or null if no such student exists in the tree public Student getData( int key ) { // Create a dummy student with ID equal to the key being sought so that the Student comparitor // can be used. The comparitor keeps track of the number of comparisons for the experiments. Student s = new Student(); s.setID( key ); return getData( s, root ); } // Recursive method used to retrieve the student object from the tree that matched the ID of the // student passed in as an argument. Returns null if there is no such student in the tree. Assumes // that Student IDs are unique so that at most one Student will match. public Student getData( Student key, Node parent ) { Student parent_data = parent.getData(); if (Global.debug) System.out.println("Considering " + parent_data.getID() ); int compare = key.compareTo( parent_data ); // Return the student in the parent node if the ID matches otherwise call getData() // recursively on the right or left subtree depending on whether the ID being sought is // less than or greater than the ID of the parent's student. if ( compare == 0 ) { if (Global.debug) System.out.println( "Found Key" ); return parent_data; } else if ( parent.getLeftChild()!=null & compare < 0 ) { return getData( key, parent.getLeftChild() ); } else if ( parent.getRightChild()!=null & compare > 0 ) { return getData( key, parent.getRightChild() ); } // Should not reach this code since the if statement above ought to cover all cases. if (Global.debug) System.out.println("Error " + parent_data.getID() ); return null; } // Wrapper to the recursive addData() method. Handles the case where this student is the first student // to be added to the tree. public boolean addData( int key, Student data ) { // Dummy student to wrap the key so we can use the student class's comparitor method and keep // track of how many comparisons have been performed Student student_key = new Student(); student_key.setID(key); if ( root == null ) { root = new Node( data ); } else { addNode( root, student_key, data ); } return true; } // Recursive method that adds a student to the sorted binary tree in the correct location. // Input: The parent node that is the root of this subtree. The key of the data element to add. // The Student to be added. // Output: A boolean value indicating success or failure. public boolean addNode( Node parent, Student key, Student data ) { // There are four cases. Either the key of the student to be added is greater than the key of the root // or less. // If less then look at the left subtree, if greater look at the right subtree. // If the subtree being looked at is null then add the student there, else call getData recursively on // the root of the subtree. Since Student IDs are unique there will always be a location to which the // Student can be added. if ( key.compareTo( parent.getData() ) < 0 ) { if ( parent.getLeftChild() == null ) { parent.setLeftChild( new Node( data ) ); } else { addNode( parent.getLeftChild(), key, data ); } } else { if ( parent.getRightChild() == null ) { parent.setRightChild( new Node( data ) ); } else { addNode( parent.getRightChild(), key, data ); } } // Always return true. Makes it possible to add error checks if the tree is someday extended to handle // non-unique IDs. return true; } // The node class that is used as building blocks to make the binary tree // and which holds the student data elements. private class Node { public Student data = null; public Node left = null; public Node right = null; Node( Student d ) { data = d; } public Student getData() { return data; } public boolean setData( Student d ) { data = d; return true; } public Node getLeftChild() { return left; } public Node getRightChild() { return right; } public boolean setLeftChild( Node n ) { if ( left == null ) { left = n; return true; } return false; } public boolean setRightChild( Node n ) { if ( right == null ) { right = n; return true; } return false; } } } // CS251 Project 2 Solution // Author: Matthew Fricke // Date: Fall 2012 // Email: Please send bug reports to this email address. // This driver creates a sorted array, an unsorted array, a sorted list, and a sorted binary tree to hold Student objects, and performs some efficiency experiments on the datastructures. import java.util.Arrays; // For sorting arrays import java.util.Collections; // For shuffling arrays import java.text.DecimalFormat; // For formating the output to some precision class driver { // Print correct usage and exit public static void usage() { System.out.println("Usage: driver [(un)sorted array|list|tree] [number of data items to insert] [number of gets to perform]"); System.exit(1); } // main() expects three arguments public static void main( String[] args ) { // Do some input checks // Check that the user passed the correct number of arguments if ( args.length != 3 ) usage(); // Get the datastructure argument and make sure it is a valid choice String datastructure = args[0]; if ( !Arrays.asList("unsorted array", "sorted_array", "list", "tree").contains(datastructure) ) usage(); // Set the number of items to add to the datastructure // and the number of gets to perform in the experiments int num_adds = 0; int num_gets = 0; // Check the arguments passed in by the user to make sure they are integers try { num_adds = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); num_gets = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); } // Catch the exception if arguments are not integers and exit catch ( Exception e ) { usage(); } double total_time_taken = 0; // Create an unsorted and sorted array twice the size of the number // of items we want to add so we have room to pay with adding more items UnsortedArray ua = new UnsortedArray( 2*num_adds ); SortedArray sa = new SortedArray( 2*num_adds ); // Create a sorted linked list and a sorted binary tree SortedBinaryTree bst = new SortedBinaryTree(); SortedLinkedList sl = new SortedLinkedList(); // create the data items to add and give them some silly names Student[] students = new Student[num_adds]; for ( int i = 0; i < num_adds; i++ ) { String suffix = ""; switch ( i % 10 ) { case 1: suffix = "st"; break; case 2: suffix = "nd"; break; case 3: suffix = "rd"; break; default: suffix = "th"; } String first_name = "Bill"; String last_name = "Frankenfurter the " + i + suffix; students[i] = new Student( i*2, first_name, last_name ); } // Randomly reorder the students just created so our tree // doesn't turn into a linked list and so adding items to the sorted list // doesn't always add items to the end or to the front. Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(students)); // Add the students one by one to the datastructure specified by the user. // Time how long each addition takes and count how many comparisons occur. for ( int i = 0; i < num_adds; i++ ) { if (Global.debug) System.out.println("Adding: " + students[i].getID() ); double start = System.nanoTime(); int key = students[i].getID(); if ( datastructure.equals("tree") ) bst.addData(key, students[i]); else if ( datastructure.equals("list") ) sl.addData(key, students[i]); else if (datastructure.equals("sorted_array")) sa.addData( key, students[i] ); else if (datastructure.equals("unsorted_array")) ua.addData( key, students[i] ); total_time_taken += System.nanoTime() - start; } double comparison_average_for_add = Student.getComparisonCount()/num_adds; double time_average_for_add = total_time_taken/num_adds; // Reshuffle the students and perform some specified number of get operations. Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(students)); // Do one get on the tree to prime the cache. The first get takes much // longer than the others. This could be because of prefetching? Mystery. if (datastructure.equals("tree")) bst.getData( students[0].getID() ); // Initialize the time and counter variables Student.resetComparisonCount(); total_time_taken = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < num_gets; i++ ) { if (Global.debug) System.out.println("Getting: " + students[i%num_adds].getID() ); int key = students[i%num_adds].getID(); double start_time = System.nanoTime(); Student s = null; if (datastructure.equals("tree")) s = bst.getData( key ); else if (datastructure.equals("list")) s = sl.getData( key ); else if (datastructure.equals("array")) s = sa.getData( key ); else if (datastructure.equals("sorted_array")) s = sa.getData( key ); else if (datastructure.equals("unsorted_array")) s = ua.getData( key ); total_time_taken += System.nanoTime() - start_time; if (Global.debug) { if ( s == null ) System.out.println( key + " not found"); else System.out.println( s.getLastName() ); } } // If the debug flag is set print out the datastructures if (Global.debug) bst.displayTreeSide(); if (Global.debug) sl.displayList(); if (Global.debug) sa.displayArray(); if (Global.debug) ua.displayArray(); // Format the output values to one decimal place DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#"); // Compute the averages double comparison_average_for_get = Student.getComparisonCount()/num_gets; double time_average_for_get = total_time_taken/num_gets; // Print the results to standard out System.out.println( df.format( comparison_average_for_add ) + " " + df.format( time_average_for_add ) + " " + df.format( comparison_average_for_get ) + " " + df.format( time_average_for_get ) ); } } |