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This program will not compile because the compiler will detect that there is no such variable as x by the time the cout occurs.
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
This code is fine because the variable y exists until the matching brace, which is at the end of the program after the cout << y << endl;
x = 2. x = 1
File and class scope we will encounter when we get to object oriented programming
Global variables are a holdover from C. They are strongly discouraged since they lead to spaghetti code where the flow of execution becomes very difficulty to follow.
Static variables are not destroyed when their scope ends.
x = 2. x = 1
x = 2. x = 1
x = 2. x = 1
x = 2. x = 1
x = 2. x = 1
First of all does n = n + 1 make sense to everyone?
Code on the left prints the integers from 0 to 14
What about n = 0; 0! Should be 1
What does the program on the right print when n= 0?
x = 2. x = 1
x = 2. x = 1
Programming is a science and a craft. The craft aspect results in programmers using idioms in there code. Certain algorithms are performed in certain ways because that is the way everyone does it. The use of for loops is one such idiom. Idioms can be useful because it becomes easy to recognize the intention of a piece of code someone else has written even before you fully understand it.